Monday, September 5, 2011

A Student's English Headache

I wish somebody helps me
Of things that puzzles me
Like words of diff’rent meanings
Same sounds but diff’rent spellings
Like “sail” and “sail” and “sea” and “sea”;
The “mail” and “male” and “flea” and “flee”!

My teacher says it’s easy
But plurals can be crazy
Some words just end in “s”
But others end in “-es”
And worse – “feet”, “oxen”, “mice”
“Alumnae”, “larvae”, “data”, “spies”!

I wish my tense were right
Of verbs that I must write
But verbs differ in form
To rules, some don’t conform
Like “set-set-set”, and “run, ran, run”
Eat-ate-eaten, go-went-gone”!

Another thing that bugs my mind,
To spell the words, O I’m so blind!
And when I try to think about
The words like “out” should be spelled “AWT”
And when instead of writing “knee”
Why don’t we just write “N-E-E”!

You must have known how it feels like
To study things one doesn’t like
Especially when teachers nag,
You’ll never learn to use your tag
Like it is raining, aren’t we?
“Oh, yes they didn’t can’t you see!”

One trouble is this usage
I like its sound but I’m no sage
Coz there are words I do not know
And couldn’t use them right or so
Like “May I dance, Miss over you?”
Oh, well, yes centerly, thank you!”

This subject-verb agreement
I’ve learned with disagreement
With words like “crowd” or “group”, or “class”
We must use verbs like “is” or “was”
But why in this, “The crowd are stunned...”
My teacher I don’t understand!

And there’s the other English,
My teacher says it’s British
It spells these words “theatre”, “centre”
But wrong if you spell “carpentre!”
And for its grammar, teacher why,
It says, “I’m handsome, aren’t I?”

This pronunciation headache
Has given me a heartbreak
While some words I don’t understand,
My teacher forces me to stand
I say, “BURGOYS”, she says “BURZH-WA”
The whole class echoes “HA!HA!HA!”

So please somebody help me please
Of things I couldn’t learn with ease
If rules were only easy
Then I should learn so easily
But all these things have messed me up
Somebody please... come pull me up!

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